quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012


I know I‘m not the most beautiful
I‘m not the hottest either.
I got used to know this.

You keep saying I‘m silly,
You say I‘m beautiful and that I‘m the only one
That can‘t see this.

I was almost believing.

If I‘m that pretty,
Why do you have other girls?
If I‘m that hot,
Why are they naked?

I already know I‘m not that much.
I already know I‘m not the most beautiful or hot in the world.
I already could understand why do you need to see those kind of scenes.
I just can‘t get your other girls.
I know you think other girls are more than me.
I can even understand you look for them on the other world, for a moment or two.
I just can‘t get your other girls.
Because they‘re with you forever.

I‘m less them they are. Don‘t try telling me I‘m not. I wanted to be more for you. I wanted to be the most beautiful girl in your world, you deserve that. But I‘m sorry, really am.
I just can‘t stand at you wanting them.